Mrs. Asman

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Mrs. Asman

Mrs. Asman

Third Grade Teacher

586-791-2170 x108

Welcome to Mrs. Asman’s Class!  Third Grade Rocks!

You may email me at:

Please click on my plan book to see what we will be doing this week. Please note this could change, but it is what I hope to accomplish.

Mrs. Asman’s Plan Book

Here is the link to order books from Scholastic Book Club. I usually send flyers home a few times a year.

March is Reading MonthYay!

Monday: Team up for Reading – wear your favorite sports shirt

Tuesday: Readers Theater

Wednesday: make bookmarks

Thursday: Read in the Jungle – bring a fuzzy friend and a good book

Friday: Watch the Jungle Book – Movie and popcorn

We will start reading Charlotte’s Web on Friday. This will begin our literature circle. Each Friday we will read 3 or 4 chapters of Charlotte’s Web. The students will be assigned questions and a weekly job that will be due the following Friday. This Friday we will read chapters 1-4 and complete worksheet questions for chapters 1-4. We will have 5 discussion groups. Each student in their group will complete a different job to share with their group. The jobs are summary conductor, word wizard, discussion director, illustrator, and connector. These jobs will be due the following Friday to discuss with their group. We will complete our literature circle in the next 6 weeks and end with the movie.

Tests this Week

Thursday: Reading Quiz

Friday: Spelling Test and Religion Test

It’s going to be a great week!

God Bless,

Mrs. Asman

We the community of St. Thecla Catholic School dedicate ourselves to serving God, through our growth in faith, education, and love for one another as members of God’s family.