Mrs. Asman

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Mrs. Asman

Mrs. Asman

Third Grade Teacher

586-791-2170 x108

Welcome to Mrs. Asman’s Class!  Third Grade Rocks!

You may email me at:

Mrs. Asman’s Plan Book

We finished Charlotte’s Web on Friday. The worksheet for chapters 20-22 is due Friday, May 10th. We will watch the movie and compare and contrast the movie and the book. Unlike Mr. Popper’s Penguins the movie and the book are very similar. On Friday the students can bring a stuffed animal for the movie.

Our last Social Studies test is Thursday.  One book down, many to go.  Our English book is almost done too.  Wow, the year is winding down.

Tests or Quizzes this week

Thursday: Social Studies Test and Reading Quiz

Friday: Spelling Test

Please click on my plan book to see what we will be doing this week. Please note this could change, but it is what I hope to accomplish.

It’s going to be a great week!

God Bless,

Mrs. Asman

We the community of St. Thecla Catholic School dedicate ourselves to serving God, through our growth in faith, education, and love for one another as members of God’s family.