Christian Service Web Page Update
The Christian Service Commission pursues parish projects that assist our neighbors in need who might have issues of hunger, housing, and respect for the sanctity of life; works closely with our St Vincent de Paul Conference, the Daughters of Isabella, the Knights of Columbus Council 12403, St Thecla Scout Programs, our Food Pantry Program, as well as, our own St Thecla School student body.
Mission Statement:
The St Thecla Christian Service Commission plans organizes and implements parish and community activities that assist underserved individuals as well as Christian Charity groups within our community. Motivated by Christian values, with the help of our parish community, we provide prayers, volunteer services, monetary assistance, and program resources to help those in need live a life of self-respect and dignity within their families and communities. We will foster a sense of cooperation and fellowship among parish members & parish groups; encouraging actions that help to Unleash the Gospel.
Current Membership:
- Judy McMahon, Chairperson
- Dave Schweiger, Secretary
- Christine Bouwman
- Cheryl Cannon
- Connie Kansa
- Brenda Ossowski
- Mary Pioch
- Jason McMullen
The Christian Service Commission leads the way and encourages the involvement of our Parish Community; these are a few ways to get involved:
- Joining the St. Thecla St. Vincent de Paul Conference
- Volunteering during our MCREST Week
- Organizing the Giving Tree during the Advent season
- Supporting the Parish Right to Life initiatives
- Joining the St. Thecla Christian Service Commission, Knights of Columbus or Daughters of Isabella
- Volunteering in our Food Pantry Program
If you are interested in any of these initiatives, please contact the Parish Office at 586-791-3930 or contact Judy McMahon @