Here is a link to learn more about the rosary and how to say it. https://www.usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary
Besides October being respect life month it is also the month of the rosary. The rosary is a beautiful meditative and contemplative prayer where we meditate on the mysteries of our salvation, mainly the life of Jesus, with Mary, our Blessed Mother and ask for her intercession. At the entrances we have handouts explaining a little more what the rosary is and how to pray it. There are plenty of good resources to learn more about the rosary, but a good one I recommend is ‘The Secret of the Rosary’ by St Louis de Montfort. Now is another time I am asking everyone to say certain prayers. I am asking every parishioner to pray one decade of the rosary each day in October. This only takes 2-3 minutes. Start with the joyful mysteries and move your way through the others. I ask that on Fri Oct 7th, the feast day of our lady of the rosary, everyone pray a whole rosary. We will pray a rosary as a community in our rosary garden that evening at 6pm. With your daily decade, pray this with those you live with. Call to mind an intention you want to pray for beforehand and offer that decade for that intention. We will grow in faith and knowledge of God’s love for us when we say this decade and the rosary. I find the rosary a beautiful prayer and find myself growing in conversion while praying it. I pray the rosary every day and most often I take a walk and pray it while walking, including in the neighborhood around the parish. Prayer and exercise! Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!